Accra - GHANA | 6th African Actuarial Congress (6AAC) June 8–10, 2022 in Accra, Ghana
The 6th African Actuarial Congress was held in Accra from June 8 to 10, 2022. The innovation of this 6th edition was the day dedicated to actuarial teachers. During this day, IFAGE was privileged to present its actions and efforts to participate in the development of actuarial training in Africa. Given its high rate of professional integration, IFAGE shared its best practices with universities and international actuarial associations such as SOA, IFOA and CAS.
During the inauguration of the first day of the convention held in Accra, Ghana, several presentations were made, as follows for Wednesday June 08, 2023:
Welcome from the President of the Ghana Actuaries Association
Word from the President of the SOA Mr. John Robison
Word from the President of the Kenya Association
Panel on annuities and portfolio
Presentation by the President of the Association of International Actuaries on current activities
Presentation by CAS Canada
Presentation by IFOA England on collaboration and research between professionals and academics
Presentation by Ms Kandji Rokhaya of IFAGE and the Ghana Actuaries Association on the transition from studies to employment and the efforts made by schools and administrations.
The institute's Managing Director raised Senegal's flag high with a brilliant presentation on the professional bachelor's and master's degree programs in Actuarial Science and the prospects for development through the partnerships that are being forged.
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