Highlighted conferences

An Inspiring Encounter with Ivonne PALM at IFAGE: An Exciting Exploration of Actuarial Science
On March 31, 2023, IFAGE was honored to welcome a distinguished guest, Ivonne PALM, Chief Risk Officer of Africa Re and board member of the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS). This exceptional conference, organized on the initiative of Ms. Rokhaya Kandji, Director of IFAGE, offered a unique opportunit…7 conferences

Rokhaya Kandji's remarkable contribution to the 1st World Actuaries Congress in Skopje, Northern Macedonia

Mrs Rokhaya Kandji shares IFAGE's Initiatives at the 6th African Actuarial Congress (6AAC) in Accra, Ghana

49th Conference of the African Insurance Organisation (AIO) -Algiers, Algeria

Webinaire : Nurturing a competitive global insurance profesional

Mrs. Rokhaya Kandji, personally accompanies her students to the Journées du Conseil et Courtage en Assurances.

An Inspiring Encounter with Ivonne PALM at IFAGE: An Exciting Exploration of Actuarial Science
